Monday, April 5, 2010

The Hummers Are Here!

I looked at's hummingbird migration map and quickly got a hummingbird feeder out this past weekend. The little travelers have been spotted in my area and as far north as Massachusetts! No need to put out more than a single feeder just yet though. When you see one bird, you can then put up another. Once your spot is established, you can be certain within a day or two you'll be seeing more. Be sure to check out my Five Steps To Happy Hummers site to get your hummingbird season started off with a bang! I'll keep you posted on our arrivals here. Good Luck and Happy Humming!


  1. I put out my feeder this weekend too! I got a new one, a HummZinger. Can't wait to see them again!

  2. The HummZinger is our favorite too! :-D

  3. I'm always thinking I'm going to put up a feeder but I never get that far. I do have some specific flowers planted that draw them though. I really love seeing them in my garden.

  4. Sandy, your comment on my blog reminded me that I haven't been here for quite a while. Great to be back and see all your work again.


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