Saturday, January 31, 2015

30 Paintings in 30 Days ~ With Many Thanks ~ Day 31

"With arms outstretched, I thank.
With heart beating gratefully, I love.
With body in health, I jump for joy.
With spirit full, I live."
~Terri Guillemets

Abstracts in Alcohol Ink by Sandy Sandy
 30 Paintings in 30 Days - January 2015

I am so very grateful to have the opportunity to participate in this challenge and to create art everyday. It is invigorating to push my artistic boundaries while being supported and inspired by so many great artists online. Today I am pleased to present this retrospective collage of artwork which represents my Fifth 30 Paintings In 30 Days Collection

Each number and title links to a larger view with painting details
and the post associated with each piece.

28.) The Beaten Path                29.) Color My World          30.) Put Soul Into It

I would really love to know which painting(s)
speaks to you and why. 

I've said it many times before, but I'll repeat it here again; I am so very thankful for all the wonderful support and feedback I've received from you blogging and facebook friends! You have helped me more than you know. You light up the path I travel, every step along the way.

Thanks Again and Happy creating!

X ♥  O

Friday, January 30, 2015

30 Paintings in 30 Days ~ Put Your Soul Into It ~ Day 30

"When you do a thing, 
do it with all your might. 
Put your whole soul into it. 
Stamp it with your own personality. 
Be active, be energetic and faithful 
and you will accomplish your object." 
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Heart And Soul"
~~~~~6 x 6" Alcohol Ink on Gessoed Hardboard~~~~~

6 x 6" panels come ready to hang with a display easel option.
These are textured gessoed studio panels from Blicks.
It's got a surface all its own. I really like the way it handles the inks. 
Click on the Blick link at the top of the right hand column here
on my blog and search item # 13612-0066.

I am relieved and a little sad to see the
JANUARY 2015 / 30 in 30 CHALLENGE
come to an end.

I wasn't sure I was going to do the 30 in 30 again this time, but I'm really glad I did. Like all the others, it has been a great experience. I've expand my comfort zone and been inspired by all the awesome art online that was created throughout the month. A big thank you goes out to Leslie Saeta for hosting the challenge and to all the busy people who took time out to visit my blog and especially to those of you who offered your friendship, feedback and support which really kept me going. 

Stop back tomorrow to see my collage of all 30 abstract paintings completed during the course of the month.

Thanks again for your friendship and support.
"No matter what accomplishments you make,
somebody helped you."
~ Althea Gibson

X ♥  O

Thursday, January 29, 2015

30 Paintings in 30 Days ~ Color My World ~ Day 29

"I never wanted color to be color. 
I never wanted texture to be texture, 
or images to become shapes. 
I wanted them all to fuse together 
into a living spirit." 
~ Clyfford Still

"Intangible Communication"
~~~~~16 x 20" Alcohol Ink on Gessoed Hardboard~~~~~

In need of some color, this lively piece now hangs in our telecommunication center.

I am happy to report that my Feb. 7th Alcohol Ink Workshop at Center for the Arts of Southern NJ has been filled, but there are still spots available for auditing for those of you who would just like to hang out and watch.

Thanks so very much for your friendship.
X ♥  O

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

30 Paintings in 30 Days ~ Off The Beaten Path ~ Day 28

"The painter, being concerned only 
with giving his impression, 
simply seeks to be himself 
and no one else." 
~ Claude Monet

"On The Way To Giverny"
~~~~~6 x 6" Alcohol Ink on Gessoed Hardboard~~~~~

Wow, there's only 2 days left in the 30 in 30 challenge! Woo Hoo! It really was a wonderful adventure into painting abstracts this time around. I began with a basic idea, but as I worked, often the inks took over. "Then there is the struggle between the idea I preconceived and the picture that fights for its own life."*

The hard part for me, is not so much to paint everyday, but it is the pressure to put myself and my work out there without letting it mellow for a couple of days. I know this is also true for many of you other artist friends participating. 

In a sometimes rushed frame of mind, it was hard to be satisfied with something enough to stop, without analyzing and working it to death. There were a few hectic days where I painted and destroyed many pieces. 

So, from a five time veteran, I just want to be the first to say; 

CONGRATULATIONS, you did it!! 
And I KNOW at times it certainly wasn't easy!

* George Baselitz
"We grow because we struggle, we learn and overcome." ~ Robert G. Allen 
Thanks so very much for your friendship and support.
X ♥  O

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

30 Paintings in 30 Days ~ A Breath of Fresh Air ~ Day 27

“Change the way you look at things 
and the things you look at change.” 
 ~Wayne W. Dyer

"Open Window To The World"
~~~~~6 x 6" Alcohol Ink on Gessoed Hardboard~~~~~

“No one else has access to the world you carry around within yourself; you are its custodian and entrance. No one else can see the world the way you see it. No one else can feel your life the way you feel it .” ~ John O'Donohue

Today I did something different and it was the start of a very good day. The world outside is fresh and clean with new fallen snow and the world inside is once again at peace; joyful, productive and invigorating.

Thank you once again for your support, friends;
"Looking out the window, 
I see you looking in. 
You are the sunshine, 
That fills my soul.” 
~ Giorge Leedy

X ♥  O

Monday, January 26, 2015

30 Paintings in 30 Days ~ The Masks We Wear ~ Day 26

“We all wear masks, and the time comes 
when we cannot remove them without 
removing some of our own skin.” 
~ André Berthiaume

"Incidental Disguise"
8 x 10" Alcohol Ink on Gessoed Hardboard
email: for purchase info.

“Don’t you, when strangers and friends come to call, straighten the cushions, kick the books under the bed and put away the letter you were writing? How many of us, want any of us, to see us as we really are? Isn’t the mirror hostile enough?”  ~ Jeanette Winterson

Do you see what I see? This one was another attempt at yesterday's painting and is one that could be viewed from different positions. This orientation really struck me with something. I don't want to say what exactly and spoil it, but I'm wondering if anyone else will see it too. It's late and we are expecting a blizzard here tonight and tomorrow! I haven't eaten dinner, I've got 30in30 burnout and it's time to go veg out,  so I'll visit with ya'll  in the morning! Can hardly wait to see what's been cookin'!

I hope you are warm and in a happy place!
Thanks again for your generous support and friendship. 

X ♥  O