Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Hawk Totem

Hawk people tend to see an overall view of things and are more aware of signs and messages from the Spirit world. Individuals with hawk as a totem are often more evolved in that they are attuned to heightened physic perception and subtle energy forces. Because hawk is a visionary messenger, people with this totem often tend to be involved in some form of creativity as a vehicle in conveying their story.

Hawk Totem
5.5" x 7.5" original watercolor on Yupo paper, matted - $85.
acid free, white core mat with a foam core backing in an acetate sleeve
ready to fit into a standard 8" x 10" frame.

Here are some of the steps in painting this portrait.

This little American Kestrel,
actually a small falcon,
was inspired by one who sits on
the telephone lines up the street.
Like clockwork, he'll be there every morning,
waiting for his breakfast to show up.

Kolorful Kestrel
5.5" x 7.5" original watercolor on Yupo paper, matted - $85.
acid free, white core mat with a foam core backing in an acetate sleeve
ready to fit into a standard 8" x 10" frame.

Thanks for letting me come into your life.

"Humankind has not woven the web of life. 
We are but one thread within it. 
Whatever we do to the web,
we do to ourselves. 
All things are bound together. 
All things connect."  
~ Chief Seattle, 1855
X ♥  O

Friday, February 22, 2013

Dream Hawk

“If you talk to the animals, they will talk with you
and you will know each other.
If you do not talk to them, you will not know them
and what you do not know, you will fear.
What one fears one destroys.”
~Chief Dan George

Dream Hawk

Do you remember your dreams?

Are they ever about animals?
If so, what animals come to you in the dreamtime
and what might their messages be?

Thanks for reading.
Follow your dreams and have a great day!

"An animal's eyes have the power to speak a great language."
~ Martin Buber

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Hawk Messenger ~ SOLD

This time of year, the hawks seem to be out in full force. I see them soaring in the air, perching in the trees and standing on the ground. Maybe it's partially due to the fact that they are easier to see in the winter landscape.  According to my beliefs, it also has a lot to do with the messages they are bringing me. Right now there are many changes going on here at The Sandarosa with me and my artwork. Hawk is here to remind me that everything in the visible, physical world has a divine, invisible connection. Everything, including a hawk crossing your path, happens for a reason. I try to stay open to that. This week I have been painting hawks and have even remembered to take a couple of in-progress shots of this one! When was the last time you saw a beautiful hawk? What was it doing? How did it make you feel?

Hawk Messenger

The work in progress:

The first thing I do when I am painting a portrait is to paint the eyes because they are the windows to the soul and they must be right. Here I also painted the dark beak and put a light wash on the body.

In this second step, more mid-value washes and some details were added.

Refining important details by adding darker mid-values to the bird and putting in the suggestive, soft green background hues brought this piece to a finish.

Please let me know if you are interested in seeing more work-in-progress shots in the future and I'll try to remember to stop and take a few snaps while I'm painting.

As always, thanks for reading
and for your interest.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A Painting Giveaway!


In the spirit of birthday week, I'm announcing an ORIGINAL PAINTING GIVEAWAY! It's also a way of showing my gratitude for the support I've received online, especially on facebook, during my 30/30 challenge.

It is quick and simple to enter.

If you are on facebook:

#1) Go to: Sandy Sandy Spiritart and LIKE MY PAGE if you haven't already. 

#2) go to the album: TREES INSPIRED BY QUOTES, click on the images and leave me a short comment on at least 3 of the (available) paintings you would like to win. (It would be nice, but not necessary, to hear why you select the ones you do.)

#3) To get an extra entry, share a link on your facebook timeline to my TREES INSPIRED BY QUOTES album.


If you do not have a facebook account:

#1) Become a follower here if you are not already one.

#2) go to the album: TREES INSPIRED BY QUOTESclick on the images and leave me a short comment on at least 3 of the (available) paintings you would like to win. (If facebook doesn't allow non-members to post, just comment here with 3 titles of those you would like to own.)

#3) To get an extra entry, share a link to this post on your blog and please let me know you did it.


 will be held at 11am, EST, March 20th, 2013
(The same day as my Animal Spirits book giveaway.)

Thanks again my friends.

X ♥  O

"Saying thank you is more than good manners.
It is good spirituality."
~ Alfred Painter

Friday, February 15, 2013

Lessons From The Fox ~ SOLD

In-Between Times
5.5" x 7.5" original watercolor on Yupo paper, matted to 8" x 10" - $85.
acid free, white core mat with a foam core backing in an acetate sleeve
ready to fit into a standard 8" x 10" frame.

A magical creature of the night, fox is
usually most visible to us at dawn and dusk;
the in-between times, when the veil
between the physical and metaphysical
world is the most diaphanous.

Insulated From the Cold
5.5" x 7.5" original watercolor on Yupo paper, matted to 8" x 10" - $85.
acid free, white core mat with a foam core backing in an acetate sleeve
ready to fit into a standard 8" x 10" frame.

When it is cold, the fox wraps itself
in its thick insulating tail.  
Likewise, individuals with fox totems
will find the ability to insulate
themselves from anything that seems cold,
especially relationships.

These are some of the paintings that
have come through me during the
past couple of weeks.
If you would like to find out more about
animal totems and the messages they offer,
be sure to sign up for my

Wishing You Many Blessings,

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Sitting Pretty - Camouflage, Patience and Observation ~ SOLD

Sitting Pretty

5.5" x 7.5" original watercolor on Yupo paper matted to fit a standard 8" x 10" frame


Do you have animal totems? Or should I say, do you believe in animal totems? Since I got very little response to yesterday's post, I was wondering if anyone here is interested in the subject at all.

Regardless of the lack of interest or feedback online, the fox has still been with me all this month. Although no real life individuals have showed up here at The Sandarosa, I find myself being lured by fox's charm and now have two more of these watercolors in progress. I want to make a collage of my foxes like the one for the 30 in 30 Challenge when I'm done with the set. A nice comment on my Animal Spirit Lens today sent me there for a long overdue visit. Although I've learned a lot about photography and Photoshop the past four years, I fear that delving too deeply into the world of stock photography has had a toll on my watercolor art and marketing. The fox is a very suitable totem for me at this time because of all the industry shake ups that are presently going on in the world of micro stock. Current events leave me questioning my path, evaluating options and altering my career path yet again. Sound familiar anyone? It hasn't got me worried though, because I know that when one door closes, another always opens. Fox is here to remind me of the virtues of camouflage, patience and observation.

I started painting on synthetic Yupo paper about fourteen years ago, but switched back to regular cold press Arches in an effort to consolidate my style. Profoundly influenced by last month's challenge, Yupo paper has been the vehicle of choice for my paintings so far in February. After all this time, 
some of the  Yupo pieces I've done in the past, remain some of my favorites. Here are a few from my archives. What do you think of them? Your critiques are appreciated.

Be sure to visit my last post and leave a comment if you are interested in having your name added to the drawing for a free copy of my Animal Spirits book.

Thanks for reading and please share 
my book giveaway with your friends.

Best Wishes,

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Fox Medicine - SOLD

"Nature is my medicine."
~ Sara Moss-Wolfe

Fox Medicine

5.5" x 7.5" original watercolor on Yupo paper, matted to 8" x 10" - $85.
acid free, white core mat with a foam core backing in an acetate sleeve
ready to fit into a standard 8" x 10" frame.

A special thanks goes out to Sally Vennel
for the use of her fox photography for painting reference.

Fox medicine teaches us about camouflage, observation and ingenuity. If fox has come into your life, pay attention. It may be a time to step back, regroup and plan a new strategy. Kicking off spring, I am having a book giveaway! To be eligible to win one of my Animal Spirits books, just leave a comment here on this post.

An Awakening to the Presence of Animal Spirits is a simplified guide book with full color illustrations that feature over sixty popular animals. Enjoyed by nature lovers with an open mind, the text and images help readers to become more aware of animal totems and the messages they offer us daily. 
Every time you comment on a post on this blog between now and the closing, you get another chance to win! The winner of this drawing will be generated by at 12:00, noon, EST this Spring Equinox, March 20th, 2013 and is open to all residents of the USA and Canada. 

Thanks for reading my blog and adding your comments.
Lets all get to know each other better in 2013.
Have a great day and please share 
this giveaway with your friends!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Snow Days In and Out of the Studio

There's something so seductively sensuous about
sparkling, snow slathered, surfaces!

After a short, early Saturday walk in the woods,
it was a good weekend to get caught up on
the framing of some sold tree paintings.

The title and quote for each piece was
laminated to the foam core backing, including
the number in the series and date of creation.

For many years now, I have been making
personalized thank you cards to
accompany each of my sold original paintings.
Appreciative collectors frequently tell
me it is a really nice touch.

Today I had another idea and
attached a clear acetate pocket to the back. 
When the hand written card is done being displayed,
it has a safe place where it is stored,
always with the painting.

The snow was so heavy here,
it bent the Cedars down across
this sand road preventing passage
except to 4-wheelers who didn't
mind getting their vehicles scratched up. 

I hope you had a good weekend and are enjoying
winter in your neck of the woods
as much as I am in mine.

As Always,
Best Wishes and Thanks for Reading,